Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice

IMG_1352Pumpkin coffee, pumpkin Oreos, pumpkin soap, what’s next…pumpkin scented stationary?  For the record, real pumpkins taste…well, they taste like squash and nothing like pumpkin pie or your 1600 calorie Starbuck’s Pumpkin Spice Latte Frappucino whatever.

Don’t get me wrong. The first chance I got, I headed out to Bruegger’s for some pumpkin spice coffee. (I much prefer the flavored coffee and not the flavored drinks teeming with pumpkin flavored syrup) But on my latest trip to Trader Joe’s, I could not escape the pumpkin fervor. They had pumpkin butter, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin oatmeal, pumpkin pancake mix, just about anything you liked they had a pumpkin version of it.

I fell victim to TJ’s sampling trap; they sampled their pumpkin seed brittle, and OH MY GOD it is amazing. Their Harvest Spice tea, not so much. It was heavy on the spice as I felt as though I had just huffed a container of pumpkin spice blend. My faced morphed into a weird contortionist-like smirk and a fellow TJ shopper looked on in laughter, “we won’t pick you for the Harvest Tea spokesperson, I guess.” No, sir, you will not.

I can’t say I don’t absolutely love the fall season.  Leaves changing, pumpkin picking, Halloween movie watching, cozying up in a sweater enjoying the crisp cool air; it is definitely a nice break from the heat and humidity of the summer months.  If my entire fall 2014 consisted of delicious comfort food, Halloween candy and watching Hocus Pocus and the Halloween movies over and over and over again, I would not be upset.  Although, I am trying to squeeze in some ghost adventuring.  Tis the season!


Halloween has always been my favorite holiday.  I like the occasion more so than Christmas.  On Halloween, you can be yourself (or someone else) for a little while and have fun with it!  As a kid, I always tried to come up with a creative and awesome costume each year, but I couldn’t get too far from the typical witch, princess, cat, bunny, slutty bumblebee, the list goes on.  Blonde Barbie Princess was my favorite costume because my mom bought me a blonde wig and I got to pretend to be a Barbie (thankfully, I grew out of that phase).

As an adult, what I mostly look forward to every year is Halloween movies, Ghost Adventures specials and food.  Apples are in season (Gala are my favorite) and I love perusing food blogs for the latest fall recipes.  This fall, I hope to actually try a few new ones out!  I’ve been drooling over recipes and food blogs, especially those featured in this HuffPost Taste article.  Everything looks AMAZING.  I always end up reading these articles during some downtime at work and I find myself starving even though I just had breakfast.  Keep an eye out for some Halloween Throw Back Thursdays (tbt’s) in the next few weeks leading up to Halloween.  Hopefully, I have tried out some delicious fall recipes as well!



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