Today I…

conquered a fear!  I’ve been trying lately to conquer fears, even little ones the pop up along the way.  It is all part of my “trying new things, getting over irrational fears and just kicking ass in general” lifestyle change.

Today, my best friend and I went to Seven Springs Mountain Resort  in Seven Springs, PA.  It is a skiing/snowboarding resort about an hour and a half southeast of Pittsburgh.  We decided to head out this morning to check out the resort’s Autumnfest celebration during weekends in the fall.  I had never been to Seven Springs, ever in my whole life, although I have a lot of friends who snowboard and spend winter weekends there.

IMG_1397The fear part had to do with the drive there.  We had to take the turnpike, which is totally not a big deal, but for me it is.  I really don’t like navigating new places, especially when I’m not totally sure how to get there (what ever would we do without GPS?).  When I was little my dad used to sit around the house and read a giant book of maps of Pennsylvania and surrounding states.  He literally studied roads and how to get places.  Now that we all have GPS, we are all pretty spoiled in that respect.  I can definitely read a map but if I had to rely on one just to drive an hour away, I don’t know what I would do!  Actually, I do know what I would do.  I would study that map and figure it out just like anything in life.  So even though it doesn’t seem like a big deal to most (it wasn’t to my BFF/copilot for the day) it was a big deal to me, and gosh darnnit I am proud of myself. (Pats self on back)

So much like my Philly trip, I made it an survived!  Autumnfest was a little less than what we expected but we still had fun.  It had rained the night before and some serious fog was making its way off of the mountains on our drive up.  We could barely see ahead of us because the fog was so thick once we got off the turnpike and ascended up the mountain.  But the scenery (what we could see of it) was beautiful!  I’m a city girl at heart, but being out in the mountains is an awesome feeling.  Fresh air and the leaves changing is a nice escape from the concrete jungle.


We had a nice lunch at a little restaurant at the resort.  We ordered the most delicious apple cinnamon sangria filled with liquor soaked apples.  It was SO GOOD.  We also took a scenic chair lift ride even though it was freezing cold!  But we conquered a mini-fear there because the chair lift heights are no joke, and there is only a little metal bar that keeps you in the seat.  Overall, we had a great fall day!  What did you do today?



2 thoughts on “Today I…

  1. These pics are beautiful and I can imagine the foliage and scenery there… And I can totally second your fears! But brava for overcoming them!


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